The currencies are bought with hard cash and profits made online can be converted back into real-world money. 玩家用现金来购买这些游戏货币,而网上的收益也可以装换成现实生活中的钱币。
At the game's end, the points are converted into real money, to ensure that proper incentives are in place. 为确保被试在实验中适当的刺激,最后分数都会兑换成现金。
People will be able to send one kind of currency across the globe and have it automatically converted into another& a sort of all-inclusive online money exchange. 用户可以在全球范围内采用任一种货币支付,并由网络自动将其兑换成另一种货币&这相当于一个无所不能的在线货币兑换平台。
But when the economy begins to recover, these reserves can be converted into new loans and faster money growth. 但当经济开始复苏的时候,这些储备可能转化为新贷款和更快的货币增长。
But now the large US fiscal deficits are being accompanied by rapid increases in the money supply and by even more ominous increases in commercial bank reserves that could later be converted into faster money growth. 但目前美国庞大的财政赤字正伴随着货币供应的快速增加,甚至还伴随着商业银行准备金更为不利的增加,这些准备金以后会转化成更迅速的货币增长。
In principle, the researchers could count the number of people living on less than this amount, converted into local money using the bank's new PPP rates. 原则上,研究人员可以利用世行新的购买力平价指数吧贫困线所用的美元换算成本币,然后统计出生活水平居于此线之下的人数。
At present, the petrodollars are converted into local money at a fixed rate and doled out as governments see fit. 同时,石油美金会以一个被修正的汇率转入当地货币,按照政府的意愿发放。
The business's raw material is unprotected people, what has been called "walking gold"– someone in the wrong place at the wrong time who can be taken and converted into serious money. 这些人被称为“行走中的黄金”。他们在一个错误的时间出现在了一个错误的地点,他们可能会被绑架,还被用来换取一大笔钱。